Change Happens to the Best of Us

Isn’t it weird how much a person can change? How what used to be comfortable is now so…not comfortable?

I went to a fundraising event for my cousin who is a director at a foster/adoption company tonight. When I walked into the upscale hotel in the heart of downtown Seattle I realized I had been here before: 18 years ago for homecoming dinner. We had eaten here before the main event that night. I spent many Friday nights of my high school years going to and around Pike Place with friends. I worked 4 blocks from this hotel my senior year. I remember my 18 year old self feeling so cool and sophisticated as I ate my cheesecake and drank coffee in my fancy dress in this fancy hotel, dreaming of what I was going to be and do later in life-clearly something metropolitan.

My college years were spent in even fancier Montecito, California and then I I moved to Geneva, Switzerland. You don’t get more city socialite than being in the Geneva-Paris crowd!
But then I married a man who was living in Hicksville, USA 😂 It is a town of 7k people and a Walmart (we now live in a town an hour from that small town, and it’s bigger) I knew he would keep me grounded and pull me back down out of the clouds and to keep my eyes on the eternal and not temporal. Next thing I knew, I was loving my 2-stoplight drive for my shopping trips at Walmart. I exchanged my heels for Flip flips and my transformation was complete 🤣 I spent my early 20s in Geneva. Those are formative years for adulthood-so a part of me will always feel European.
My married life is so different from how I grew up. I walked into my old self’s world tonight in my $19 dress from Ross and a pair of heels that are 7 years old- the ones I wear once a year around Christmas time 😂 I enjoyed reminiscing about old times (to myself lol) but it’s just not me anymore.

I like Birkenstocks. Ok. There. I said it! I homeschool and I wear Birkenstocks. Hahaha.

Have you ever had a revelatory moment like that, that slaps you in the face?

Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot of city girl in me, but I don’t revel in it like I used to. You know what I mean?

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