Summer Camp For Kids

Have you thought about sending your kids to a week long summer camp, but are fearful of the unknowns? Here’s a tip: go to a retreat during the school year to check it out for yourself! A lot of camps have family camp, mother-daughter, father-son, women’s, and men’s retreats! Attend one and get to know …

Tin Whistle Cases

Hey all you Classical Conversations people! Have you bought your tin whistle for the school year?  Are you soooooo excited?! 😂😂😂 If you don’t feel like DIYing a tin whistle case, you can head on over to our Etsy page and snag one for yourself! You know you want one! But in all honesty, do …

Does Curriculum Matter For College Applications?

With Guest Speaker, Hannah Tung.  Hannah was first a college admissions officer and is now a professor at an accredited private college. She has experienced all sides of college admittance and student performance in college. Our ultimate goal may not be to have our kids go to college, but it doesn’t hurt to think towards …