This is the cliff notes of our podcast with Hannah Tung past college admissions counselor and now a professor at a major Christian college. If these cliff notes look interesting, listen to the podcast for the full details! 1. Unprofessional References- like Jesus. References are very important to the process and colleges take them …
With Guest Speaker, Hannah Tung. Hannah was first a college admissions officer and is now a professor at an accredited private college. She has experienced all sides of college admittance and student performance in college. Our ultimate goal may not be to have our kids go to college, but it doesn’t hurt to think towards …
This is the quick notes in written form of our podcast on February Slumps! If you’d like to listen to the full talk, please find us in your podcast app! There is SO much that we want to share with our children. How do we pick and choose what to teach them and when? Especially …
This is the quick notes in written form of our podcast on February Slumps! If you’d like to listen to the full talk, please find us in your podcast app! Both Meghan and I school year round. Her family takes December off, my family takes July off. Other than that, it is close to business …
How do I homeschool my kids? It’s a big question when you’ve never met anyone who homeschools. Here’s just ONE way of a million. See how it works for our family of 2 kiddos. There are plenty of workbooks that us homeschooling moms have to get through in the day with our kiddos. Here’s a great program that allows plenty of learning, not sitting in a chair! Plus, if you don’t know the language, it’s no big deal. You can learn right along with them.