Working Homeschool Moms: A Tip for Keeping Things Running Smoothly!

I can’t tell you how many weird or slightly dangerous positions I’ve been in to get the angle I want  I am constantly amazed and grateful for all of the places photography has taken us: Normandy, the Antonov, and even off-roading it up a dusty trail to a mountain peak

I have work stuff coming up this Thursday-Saturday; so we did school this morning. I drove 2.5 hours from Seattle, walked into the house and immediately started quizzing Adelaide on Memory Masters work as Harrison grabbed his Qizzlet app to practice Latin. They knew Saturday school was coming. They knew we had limited time between Mom being home and mom off again for a photo shoot.
Here’s my working mom tip of the week: have a sit down chat at the beginning of each week to prepare them for that week’s schedule. It makes the transition between school and work and back again almost seamless. There’s no “whaaa? School? Now?” You can’t have enough communication about the schedule and your expectations for them. Last Monday I told them Saturday school was happening. I came home, we got er done and all was well in the world! Our schedule is posted on the dinning room wall- so they are told verbally and have a visual reminder. We also have synced calendars on our phones that will alert them.

Have an action plan, be intentional with your time (both with your kids and for work) and be clear with your kids on expectations. This makes for a better work/life balance! .

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