Creation Museum Tips

This past September we ventured to the great unknown of Kentucky. There aren’t a lot of reasons for us to visit this beautiful state; however it is home to what is becoming the most popular attraction for Christians: The Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. This is a brief synopsis of our time just at the Creation Museum.  Although they are owned by the same company, Answers in Genesis, and have the same mission to share the gospel message through Creation and the Fall, I wanted to make sure that you know they are very much two different places separated by 43 miles of highway.

We went Wednesday, September 16- what seems to be the most ideal day to go. There were zero lines, it was pleasantly hot, and all of the attractions within the museum were still running (nothing was down for off season maintenance- this did happen to us at other places along our road trip.)

The most impressive part of this museum is the palpable desire for the world to understand how deeply sin has affected humanity and how much they want people to know the love of Jesus.

Be prepared: there’s A LOT to do. Bookstore, zip line, feeding animals, and other little places to buy things. The location is somewhat remote, so if you plan to eat, bring your own food or be prepared to eat at the café. It has decent prices, but not as cheap as McDonalds.  You can spend some serious cash here!  Homeschool moms- the curriculum is not cheaper in the bookstore than it is online, so no need to save luggage space for next year’s science curriculum.

There are exhibits of all kinds: butterflies, dinosaurs of course, and other animals, and artifacts. I wasn’t prepared for some of what, I would consider, mature content. When we first walked into the exhibit, there were large posters of the Holocaust and 9/11. These are great representations of sin, but for a 6-year-old, they might be alarming- and right at their eye level. Also, Adam and Eve could have been covered a little more.

The outdoor gardens are beautiful. You could spend a full afternoon here if you choose. If you want to enjoy your time at the Creation Museum and all of it has to offer, you need to plan to be there from open until closing. We didn’t have time to spend two full days in Kentucky, so we chose to make our visit a quick 2 hours.  To see a 4 minute highlight video visiting the Creation Museum, check out our YouTube Channel here.

We will have a review of the Ark Encounter up next!

Also, there is a fun little zoo not too far from here if you want to dig deeper into the animal kingdom! It’s called the Down Under Zoo. You can pet kangaroos and all sorts of animals from Australia. They also have a mini-cave on the groups. If you want get a feel for the caves in Kentucky, you can get it here without dealing with the crowds and costs at the more well known cave places nearby.



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