About Us

We’ve been homeschooling since 2013. It’s been quite the journey finding what works best for us. We started off with Abeka, did Classical Conversations, and now will be doing an eclectic mix of things, with a Classical bent. Ben and I have 2 kids: ages 13 and 11.  Ben was homeschooled k-12, so we aren’t new to the game, but man has it changed in the past 30 years! Ben is a tech systems guy for the public power company in our county who makes sure terrorists can’t hack our power grid. We are a teach heavy family, but we read books just as much as we play video games.

I work 20-35 hours a week for TalkBox.Mom, THE BEST (hehe) foreign language curriculum company. I am a content specialist and publicity for them. I can honestly say it’s a joy to work for them, as the owners and fellow co-workers are so awesome! No fluffing that truth!  I was a customer for a full year and a half before I applied to work for them.